Sunday, July 24, 2016

Week 4/Week 5 Staten Island, NY and Western PA

This blog post will be a mega blog post.  I was unable to complete the blog last week because I did not have a wifi connection.  So now this week as I sit in Maryland with a wifi connection I am going to complete the last two weeks and instead of posting to times I am going to make it a mega post.

As we left two weeks ago to head to Staten Island, New York I really had no idea what was in store as we headed to work with Reach Global.  First of all before I forget to mention our transportation was provided by the Keen family.  Scott and Amy Keen allowed us to borrow the Keenmobile, as it was affectionately referred too.  Translation, there van.  So we drove to Staten Island, New York and had a great three days of working on houses that had been destroyed and damaged due to Hurricane Sandy.
Below are a few pictures of the work that we did during our time with Reach Global.
Driving to the job site of Day one.

We arrived at the job site ready to work.

A ladder by the shed that we helped construct.

Jonathan tying his shoe

Kathryn mudding the walls

Measuring Garrett apparently?

Taking a photo opportunity
Cameron in the basement cleaning
Preparing to move a tree
The team at the second work site
Walking through Central Park witnessing as we walked on Friday
waiting for Rob at the dumpster.

The group was split into two different locations while at Staten Island and some of the pictures are of the second group.   I do not know exactly what each of those pictures are of because I was not at that location but, I will do my best to comment and give you a good idea what the teens where doing at the second work site.

Cleaning out a basement of George's house
Christian holding old boards.

Lunchtime or breaktime

Moving the tree!
 Max in the basement

On Thursday in Staten Island we had an opportunity to go and help a church on the North side of the Island with there VBS program.  It was nice to get to get the Sketchboard out and paint again on paper instead of on trim.  Athough, God used the labor we did to teach me about the other gifts that can be used in service to the Lord.

                                                                                                  Preaching a message to the children at the VBS

                                                                                      The team after our dinner with the families we served! 
Week 4 was a great experience to have and we learned a lot about reaching people that are effected by a disaster.

Week 5 in Pennsylvania was great!
We started out the week with a kids club which turned out to be great by the third day.  God brought more children out to the third and last day of the club than I had ever had in this location at Willowbrook Trailer park.  Then we went to Pittsburgh on Thursday and State College on Friday for adult one to one ministry and blacklight ministry.

Sarah painting the hangman puzzle 
Katie and Kathryn doing there skit. 
The puppets and there skit.  The kids loved the puppets 
The kids waiting for snack 
A group picture of all the attendees with the teens. 

Counseling on the streets of Pittsburgh

Sarah painting up the hangman puzzle for the kids club.

More counseling in State College

Cameron preparing his sketch 
preaching in Pittsburgh 
 Skit at Kids club
Skit at Kids club 
Now as we prepare to go to Ocean City I am praying that the experience and practice of the last 5 weeks will really come together and that the gospel will be shared clearly and many will turn from sin and trust in Christ.  We have some of the biggest and best crowds of the summer in Ocean City so please continue to keep us in your prayers.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Week Three of Mission Possible

As I sit and type this blog for week three I am excited to share with you some of the twist and turns and aches and breaks that we experiences throughout this week.  It was challenging in many ways but also very rewarding in many ways.  So here we go...

As we started this week it was great to be able to celebrate our nation's independence by expressing  to others the freedom they can have from sin while we were in our nation's capital during an event called "Freedom Fest".  I have attended this event almost every year for the past 6 years and it has always been a great event to be participate in.  This year I was asked to share a message from the sketchboard in front of the main stage which was great.  Although, the attendance to the event was down due to the weather, many still heard the gospel being proclaimed as they walked by our tent.
Preaching at Freedom Fest in Washington D.C.

A team "selfie" outside of a museum after dinner.

Max doing the "Three ropes gospel illusion" on Day 1 of the kids club in Baltimore.

Mike Maslin to the rescue.  Our van broke down on the way back from Perkins Homes on Tuesday and Mike drove another van out to pick us up from the side of the road on Rte 95.  Praise God for cell phones and  for keeping us safe while waiting!

Garrett teaching the children a the memory verse while playing "hangman".

Sarah sharing the message of Day 2 of our club.  She did a great job!

Jonathan and Christian teaching some of the boys how to play frisbee. By the end of the week the boys really enjoyed playing frisbee. This was a great way to build relations with the kids.

We ate our lunch at Federal Hill Park and then did our daily group devotionals outside under a tree.  The weather this week was great for outdoor ministry.

Cameron did a great job with the message on Day 3 teaching the kids about how "Death came to All."

Jonathan preaching during lunchtime at Lexington Market and this older gentleman stopped to listen to the message.

Kathryn did a great job with her message to conclude the club on Friday.

We had flavored ice on last day and the kids love it as a treat to cool down.

Playing with the girls after club with sidewalk chalk.

It was great to see how the teens bonded with these children after just 4 days.  Katie showing the love of Christ to these two girls.

This is  a precious picture of reaching out with loving hands.

A few of the boys talking to a man and his daughter after a message at Inner Harbor.
Thank you for your continued prayers as wee will be going out of town for the next three weeks.
Next week we will be in New York, then Pennsylvania and then our last  week we will be in Ocean City.  Until our next blog have a blessed week.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Week Two of Mission Possible was filled with Lunchtime meeting in DC!

Praise God for a great second week.  It really caused the teens to rely on God as they were preaching in front of groups of adults in Washington D.C. this week.  Preaching and sharing the gospel with adults is more challenging than with children because adult some times challenge the preaching and are less predictable than children.  The children last week were very glad to see us each day.  I can not say that for many of the adults.  Although, many good things occurred this week and God was glorified it did not lack its difficult times.  Below is an assortment of pictures from the week with captions to let you know where and what was happening in these pictures.  Enjoy the blog!
 Jonathan and Garrett were able to share with this gentleman for quite a long time after the message that was preached in Chinatown.  This man has done many different types of ministry himself and was very glad to see a group of young teens out on the streets sharing the gospel.

 Christian was able to share a tract with this young man at the same time Garrett and Jonathan were speaking with the gentleman in the above picture.  (Notice Garrett in the picture)

 Katie and Kathryn were able to get into a conversation with this teen that was passing by and stopped to hear the message.  They shared a tract with him and told him about the hope of Christ.
 On Tuesday we were at Silver Spring handing out tracts and getting into one-to-one conversations and Christian and Max approached this man and were able to get into a great conversation.
 Katie, Sarah, and Christian were also able to get into a conversation with Daniel.  He professed to be a believer but, is not in fellowship at any church currently.  He was encouraged to visit Forcey Bible Church.
 Jonathan beginning his message at 15th and K street.  This was the most difficult place for us to get people to stop and listen this week.

 Sarah preparing a numbers puzzle before the message.  Numbers puzzles are used as introductions before the messages and help to draw attention to the sketchboard and form a crowd.

 Max did a great job at sharing his messge this day even with many distractions.
 Garrett was sharing the message "Solve This Riddle" and these two ladies stopped to try to figure out the Riddles.  "Solve This Riddle" is a great message for getting into one-to-one conversations because many people stop even after the message is over because they see the title and want to (Solve the Riddles)

 One of the larger groups of the day gathered as Kathryn shared her message on the sketchboard.
 And as she presented her message more people continues to stop by and listen.
                                Cameron just beginning his message in Chinatown on Thursday.

                      Katie beginning to paint up a numbers puzzle to prepare for the next message.
 Garret preaching at Annapolis on Friday night.  The preaching on Friday night was delayed by thunderstorms but, God opened up a window for 4 messages to be preached.
 Our make shift cover to protect the sketchboard, the paintings and a few of the brave souls that stood under the tarp and weathered the storm.  After the thunderstorms stopped a guy and his wife that were on a boat during the storm came over and said " I thought there were some people under that tarp during the rain.  This gave us an opportunity to share some literature with them.
                                     Preparing and painting up before we head out to do ministry.

 We enjoyed a lunch together at Chinatown after the preaching.  It was a good way to share about our experiences and conversations that we had while on the streets.
    Justin stopped after the message I preached and wanted to ask me some questions.  He claimed to be and Atheist and said that he did believe and even went to seminary, but now he does not believe in God.  Please pray the conversation and tract that I gave to Justin as he left will be used by God to draw to faith in Christ.  

                              Many people stopped at Columbia-Heights to hear Cameron preach.

                                          Pictures of the teens practicing the Set-Free drama.

 That concludes our blog for this week.  I trust you all are getting a good picture of the great things God has been doing through the teens these last several weeks.  We covet your prayers and support and stay tuned for future updates.  If you would like to see daily updates you can friend request me at Facebook: Zane Dempsie. Follow me on Instagram: Zane Dempsie, or Twitter :@OACZane

                        Don't worry they are not hurting Cameron it is part of a skit they are practicing. :)

Acts 17:30 "The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent, 31 because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead."