Saturday, July 2, 2016

Week Two of Mission Possible was filled with Lunchtime meeting in DC!

Praise God for a great second week.  It really caused the teens to rely on God as they were preaching in front of groups of adults in Washington D.C. this week.  Preaching and sharing the gospel with adults is more challenging than with children because adult some times challenge the preaching and are less predictable than children.  The children last week were very glad to see us each day.  I can not say that for many of the adults.  Although, many good things occurred this week and God was glorified it did not lack its difficult times.  Below is an assortment of pictures from the week with captions to let you know where and what was happening in these pictures.  Enjoy the blog!
 Jonathan and Garrett were able to share with this gentleman for quite a long time after the message that was preached in Chinatown.  This man has done many different types of ministry himself and was very glad to see a group of young teens out on the streets sharing the gospel.

 Christian was able to share a tract with this young man at the same time Garrett and Jonathan were speaking with the gentleman in the above picture.  (Notice Garrett in the picture)

 Katie and Kathryn were able to get into a conversation with this teen that was passing by and stopped to hear the message.  They shared a tract with him and told him about the hope of Christ.
 On Tuesday we were at Silver Spring handing out tracts and getting into one-to-one conversations and Christian and Max approached this man and were able to get into a great conversation.
 Katie, Sarah, and Christian were also able to get into a conversation with Daniel.  He professed to be a believer but, is not in fellowship at any church currently.  He was encouraged to visit Forcey Bible Church.
 Jonathan beginning his message at 15th and K street.  This was the most difficult place for us to get people to stop and listen this week.

 Sarah preparing a numbers puzzle before the message.  Numbers puzzles are used as introductions before the messages and help to draw attention to the sketchboard and form a crowd.

 Max did a great job at sharing his messge this day even with many distractions.
 Garrett was sharing the message "Solve This Riddle" and these two ladies stopped to try to figure out the Riddles.  "Solve This Riddle" is a great message for getting into one-to-one conversations because many people stop even after the message is over because they see the title and want to (Solve the Riddles)

 One of the larger groups of the day gathered as Kathryn shared her message on the sketchboard.
 And as she presented her message more people continues to stop by and listen.
                                Cameron just beginning his message in Chinatown on Thursday.

                      Katie beginning to paint up a numbers puzzle to prepare for the next message.
 Garret preaching at Annapolis on Friday night.  The preaching on Friday night was delayed by thunderstorms but, God opened up a window for 4 messages to be preached.
 Our make shift cover to protect the sketchboard, the paintings and a few of the brave souls that stood under the tarp and weathered the storm.  After the thunderstorms stopped a guy and his wife that were on a boat during the storm came over and said " I thought there were some people under that tarp during the rain.  This gave us an opportunity to share some literature with them.
                                     Preparing and painting up before we head out to do ministry.

 We enjoyed a lunch together at Chinatown after the preaching.  It was a good way to share about our experiences and conversations that we had while on the streets.
    Justin stopped after the message I preached and wanted to ask me some questions.  He claimed to be and Atheist and said that he did believe and even went to seminary, but now he does not believe in God.  Please pray the conversation and tract that I gave to Justin as he left will be used by God to draw to faith in Christ.  

                              Many people stopped at Columbia-Heights to hear Cameron preach.

                                          Pictures of the teens practicing the Set-Free drama.

 That concludes our blog for this week.  I trust you all are getting a good picture of the great things God has been doing through the teens these last several weeks.  We covet your prayers and support and stay tuned for future updates.  If you would like to see daily updates you can friend request me at Facebook: Zane Dempsie. Follow me on Instagram: Zane Dempsie, or Twitter :@OACZane

                        Don't worry they are not hurting Cameron it is part of a skit they are practicing. :)

Acts 17:30 "The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent, 31 because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead."

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